In 2010, Recruit Veterans received its first federal prime contract with the Department of the Army, National Guard Bureau (NGB), Texas Army and Air Force National Guard. Since then, we have performed a variety of services in support of our troops including the following:

  • Officer and Enlisted Promotions, Oracle Database, Maintenance and Management
  • United States Property and Fiscal Office (USPFO) Warehouse Management, Supply Management, Inventory Management, Distribution and Receiving, Central Issue Facility (CIF) Management 
  • General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) Management
  • Construction and Facilities Management Office (CFMO) Construction Project Management
  • Recruiting and Retention Command Marketing Assistance
  • Budget Analyst Support
  • Family Services Center (FSC) Support – DEERS Registration
  • Sexual Assault Response Coordination (SARC)
  • Defense Travel System (DTS) Management
  • Education Services Office (ESO) Support
  • Hazardous Material (Hazmat) Management
  • Administrative Assistance Support
  • Golden Knights, Statewide Jump Event Management/Coordination and More…

We’ve earned our stripes by providing a variety of services in support of our soldiers, spouses, dependants and civil service employees.  

So if you’re a Contracting Officer, Contracting Specialist or Resource Manager, looking for an award-winning, experienced company to work with, please contact us and let us help you, “Accomplish the Mission!

(512) 996-0999